Our Kids Kare program provides a fun, nurturing environment for your child before and after school. Our Kids Kare K-5 includes various activities, including sports, games, crafts, character development, homework supervision, snack, and more. Enrichment programs include math, reading, and science.
Kids Kare offers flexible options including before school only (7 AM-8:30 AM), after school only (3:15-6 PM) or both, Monday through Friday. Full and part time rates are available. The program is held at all six Souderton Area School District elementary schools including:
- E.M.C. Elementary School
- Franconia Elementary School
- Oak Ridge Elementary School
- Salford Hills Elementary School
- Vernfield Elementary School
- West Broad Street Elementary School
Registration Instructions
- Download and complete registration paperwork.
- Drop off the completed packet to Indian Valley YMCA OR email it to kidskare@northpennymca.org.
Registration packets must be completed and returned to the Indian Valley YMCA to request a spot.
Program Details

Financial Assistance
If you would like to apply for financial assistance through the
Y, please do so before registering for child care.
Outstanding Balances
If you have an unpaid balance on your account, you will be
unable to register for child care. To settle any outstanding balances, please call our
team at 215-723-3569 EXT 115.
Thank you for choosing the YMCA for your family’s child care needs. We look
forward to serving you throughout the school year!
Y-Day Care & ELRC
The YMCA accepts funding from the Early Learning Resource Centers (ELRC). Please contact us with your Caseworker Name and ID Number so we can add this to your account. For inquiries, please reach out to Sangeeta at sangeetak@northpennymca.org.
Y Day Care is available when school is not in session.
$40/day for first child; $35/day for second child for youth enrolled in one of our programs.
Questions? Contact Us!
For further information, please contact Kristy Szychulski
at 215-723-3569 ext. 115 or KidsKare@NorthPennYMCA.org.
We are proud to be an Equal Opportunity Child Care Provider.